Killing Kennedy (2013 TV Movie)
A travesty.
23 December 2015
Bill O'Reilly likes to think of himself as an historian. I'm afraid he's anything but. All he has done in "Killing Kennedy" is follow the extremely dubious findings of the Warren Report, which has since been debunked by most sane-thinking people.

The first hour or so is more or less a history lesson of known facts, intermingled with a character bashing of Oswald, but other interpretations can be used regarding both in relation to the Kennedy assassination. For example, although there were suspicions, the shooting of General Walker was never officially attributed to Oswald.

Regarding the Kennedy assassination, which was covered only in the last 30 minutes, O'Reilly completely ignores:

1. The witnesses to shots coming from the grassy knoll and the picket fence.

2. The incompetency of the rifle supposedly used by Oswald. It was the worst on the market at the time. And what assassin would use a mail ordered weapon in an assassination, and leave it at the scene of the alleged crime? Oswald wasn't THAT stupid.

3. The marksmanship required to accurately fire three rounds in under 6 seconds using such an inferior weapon well known for inaccuracy. Oswald was no marksman, contrary to the inferences in this movie.

4. That no transcript or recording of the interrogation of Oswald exists. And no representation for Oswald provided.

5. The witnesses in the Texas Book Depository giving Oswald an alibi.

6. The Zagruber film.

7. The 'magic' pristine bullet.

8. The disappearance of Kennedy's brain.

9. The mismanaged autopsy.

10. Other explanations of events, and events and occurrences not covered above.

O'Reilly may be a renowned TV host, but as an historian he would make a great balloon salesman. Both being inflated with hot air. Rather than being treated as history, the assassination parts of this movie must be placed in the realms of fantasy, as has by most, the Warren Report.
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