Excellent Movie
26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent movie, with a brilliant performance by Michael Palin as Mr. Ashby. The reality is he was an honorable man (unlike his main competitor to be President of Oxford (Oliver Syme (Alfred Molina)). Keep in mind, he was also a Reverend, and knew things like desiring a woman such as Elinor (Trini Alvarado) was a sin and since the vow of celibacy at Oxford was very important in those days, he knew he would be a hypocrite if he was urging others to follow a policy, he himself did not want to follow). When the movie took place (1866) they did not even allowing women on campus, and it would take until 1959 until they were admitted as students. As it turned out, he made the right decision choosing Eleanor over Oxford, because the movie is based on his Great grandfather Edward Palin and as he said about the woman Elinor is based upon (her name was Brita) "We married in Paris in 1867 and she has made me the happiest of men." Based upon the many laughs that Palin (and Monty Python) have brought to people down through the years, it was a good choice indeed.
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