Review of That Sugar Film

Sugar in Focus
11 January 2016
Intent to either prove or dispel the various myths about the adverse effects of sugar, television actor Damon Gameau chronicles the changes that a high sugar diet has on him in this fascinating Australian documentary. What makes Gameau's quest interesting is that he relies on only 'hidden' sugars to increase his input; that is to say, sugars in fruit juice, low fat yoghurt and other so-called healthy products. The results are a tad scary and with plenty health expert interviews included, the film presents the science behind sugar consumption too. The content ought to be viewed with a grain of salt (or more aptly, sugar) though. The film shies over the fact that are dietitians out there who recommend some sugar level consumption and by only including experts who agree with his findings, Gameau never really seems objective. Never to mind, Gameau's quest is endlessly intriguing even if one may be skeptical of it. Humour is used particularly well to drive certain points home and most memorably, he eats a piece of chicken covered in white sugar at one point since it is equivalent to the sugar that he would be consuming had he eaten the chicken with sauce. The inclusion of interviewees on package labels through CGI also works well, ensuring that the documentary is anything but 'talking heads'. Stephen Fry and Hugh Jackman's guest appearances are fun too. The experience is only seriously marred by a silly rap song music video tagged on at the end that completely destroys the documentary's otherwise sombre tone. The film still concludes though with plenty to ponder about.
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