Beautiful and haunting, this film definitely stays with you
19 January 2016
Full disclosure, I saw "Jack is Pretty" as part of a film festival for which I am a judge. The reason I mention this is because I watched dozens and dozens of films and this film is one that really stood out among all of them.

Without any dialogue between the characters, the director manages to tell a complete story, which is extremely difficult to do. The film is shot beautifully, with extreme attention to detail. The camera work also adds to the story in its way, as every detail of every set conveys part of the narrative.

The actors, especially the lead, are outstanding as well again, all without saying a word.

There are thousands of independent films out there, and I see hundreds of them as a festival judge and film reviewer. Many are bad, many are good, and then there are those that rise to the top as "Jack is Pretty" does.

The only thing preventing me from rating it higher is that I don't believe in a '10' rating, as there are no perfect films, and the fact that there were a few times when the budget limitations inherent to indie film making would show through. Other than that, I can't say anything negative.

If you ever get the opportunity to see "Jack is Pretty", you must.
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