Disregarded (2014)
Realistic and sincere
17 January 2016
I saw Disregarded as part of a film festival in the fall of 2015. The film is about a college student who is starting to come to terms with his sexuality. Without revealing too much about the film, what impressed me about this film was that it was realistic with how many (if not most) gay people start to discover who they are and how they should deal with it. I've seen too many short films over the years at various LGBT film festivals that explore the topic of coming out in an extreme way, e.g. the characters are either half naked throughout the film and fall in love/lust by the end, or they suffer tragic or violent fates. That's not to minimize such experiences or to say this doesn't ever happen in real life, because it does, but these depictions don't represent all LGBT people.

Disregarded differs in that the main character's struggles are more internal. Thus these struggles have to be depicted more through body language and implication than direct dialogue. The conclusion is open- ended, which was appropriate since coming out is not a single life event but a process which continues throughout one's life.

The actors in the film were all natural; none of them were overreaching or stretching. Director Edwin Hernandez is to be commended for trusting the audience to embrace the story without resorting to using movie clichés.
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