Law & Order: Cruel and Unusual (1995)
Season 5, Episode 19
Liberal use of electroshock
6 February 2016
The death of autistic young Steve Burns in custody at the police station while Chris Noth is trying to restrain him from beating his head against the stone wall is how this story gets started. Once Mike Logan is cleared of any culpability he and Lennie Briscoe get assigned the case. Which is clearly wrong because anyone else from that precinct, But Briscoe and Logan would have caught that one.

The blame such as it is is assigned to Lawrence Pressman a doctor who runs a live-in clinic for these kids and makes liberal use of electroshock techniques that mainstream psychology has abandoned.

This episode will raise more questions than it answers. This episode is highlighted by the performances of Edoardo Ballerini as another autistic kid and his mother Sheila Tousey. There plight will elicit tears from you unless you are made of stone.
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