Blade Runner (1982)
A complete waste of time and effort.
14 February 2016
The most praised movie of 1982 (Along with ET of course) gets a 8.2 average rating on this database you are on right now. How could it be that high? I mean this is a complete garbage film that is so overrated. And heres why: In 2019, Earth has been rebuilt and Los Angeles becomes a dark and depressing area or "colony". A group of replicants (robots who look like humans) from outside of Earth steal a spaceship to get to Earth to meet their creator and murder people. Then the police call a retired employee, Deckard a Blade Runner (A person who kills replicants) to kill the replicants. Why is it so moronic? Well, there are a series of plot holes: One plot hole is that there are said to be six replicants at first, but then for some reason even when none have been killed, it is said to be 4 with no explanation. There is also no reason for the replicants to be murdering a bunch of random people. Plus because of reasons that will spoil this film, wouldn't the geniuses that created the replicants build them so that they won't kill people and steal spaceships? This is completely illogical and idiotic. That's not all. The film is also VERY BORING. Even though I watched the whole movie, I lost interest in the first 10 minutes and nearly fell sleep. I mean there's not much action. It's just a bunch of talk 11/12ths of the time. And not interesting talk like the Indiana Jones films. So overall, this is pitiful. It also lacks strong emotion, heart, and development. So overall story of the movie is so depressing, dark, cruel, very boring, and is completely illogical.

There's also the characters. Oh my gosh, this is sad. The replicants in the film (Roy, Leon, etc.). Lemme just say that they have no personality. Sure they're robots, but maybe they shouldn't have been so bland. Y'all may disagree, but I think they should've had a big personality like Bender from Futurama did to make them more interesting. Harrison Ford was wasted because he would underact and sound bored while playing Deckard. Deckard is charmless, and bland. The creator of the Replicants amazes me because of how forgettable he is. Then there's Sebastian. He's actually a 25 year old who do to health problems looks so old, but he does collect toys and show a smile, which is why he is the best character of the movie. So yeah, these characters are so boring, undeveloped, and such that it is just unappealing.

That's your answer. Blade Runner is the steaming pile of crud. The writing is abysmal, and the characters are so bland. It is so boring that I was so close to falling asleep. One of the only redeeming qualities I didn't mention before was a Star Wars reference when you can hear a Chewbacca growl at one part, which is a very small pro but adds a little Star Wars, which is why better than this Atrocity and has everything this doesn't: A well crafted story, memorable characters, a little heart, and lots of charm.

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