The Twilight Zone: Night Call (1964)
Season 5, Episode 19
A great episode with a brutal and unnecessary ending
24 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"...who in every sense has made her own bed and now must lie in it, sadder, but wiser, by dint of a rather painful lesson in responsibility, transmitted from the Twilight Zone. "

And what is the lesson in responsibility the poor old lady has to endure? I'm truly buffled by this cruel and heartless ending. An old woman, lives alone, receives strange phone calls that would frighten the hell out of anyone. She tries to find the source to those calls, but no one listens to her, being just some old lady... Eventually she has a nervous breakdown, in a moment of fear and after the caller asks her to tell him where she is and that he wants to come over... She cries out to him to leave her alone, scared to death. When we discover the cruel trick that it is her finance that died in a car accident where she was left paralysed, it is all too sad and emotional. Only then, Serling decides to cut out that line and have her pay for her mistakes... Which mistakes exactly? I failed to understand. Was she not reasonable to be scared by those creepy phone calls? was she not allowed to tell a strange man to leave her alone? was she not suppose to drive the car? Terrible ending, a real shame since the story could have been great.
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