A film made for people and life
3 April 2016
From all the movies I have ever watched, this made me feel human. I never thought that a movie could personify unpredictability, loss and love as well as this move has. If you are a person, living the "dream", you will probably find this movie dull, or for the lack of a better word, boring. However, portrayal of the human condition is transcended.

Some of us struggle to find joy in our daily jobs, despite touching people in a way we never realized. Some of us have lost hope finding someone special, even though the future is so unpredictable. Some may think our lives are basically over, unknowingly realizing that it has only begun. Some misjudge the value of family, discovering that family has been watching out for you all along.

If you have ever felt like this, this is the movie to watch. A feeling of warmth will arouse you. True, you may never discover the world or perhaps find meaning in your day job, but being happy with who you are is a certainty. Ben Stiller, a traditional charismatic actor, has found a way to portray what it is to be normal. By doing so also portraying what it is to be extraordinary.

I highly recommend this movie. Do not expect action, all out love or comedy. Who you are, as a person, watch this movie and open your heart to possibilities. Who knows? You might find inspiration!
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