Star Trek: Amok Time (1967)
Season 2, Episode 1
A Star Trek fan's deep-thinking paradise...
16 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a rewarding and thought-provoking episode, especially if you can look deeply into the relationships of the main characters, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Also, Nurse Chapel's unrequited love for Spock is handled succinctly, yet beautifully. Watch the associated- scenes and see the actual humanity Spock exhibit towards Christine in them, affirming some feelings of his own towards her. No protracted Kirk love interest (Lust in Space) in this one, perhaps producing alien- hybrid progeny throughout the galaxy!

"Amok Time" is a treat for all those that love this show. Sure, there's the usual plot contrivance where the prerequisite fight must occur (the fight theme music is now so humorously-recognized) just like other television programs of the era did, but it is handled in the Trekkian context we have grown to appreciate, as fans. This is an episode I have learned to really enjoy more, over time. Watch it carefully as a fan, and you just might, as well.
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