The 100: Red Sky at Morning (2016)
Season 3, Episode 14
Formulaic Show - Everything Goes Wrong - That's the Show
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You know how you watch those typical TV shows where the heroes always manage to find a way and at the last second, after a lot of last minute saves or eleventh hour turn arounds, they pull through, and accomplish the mission?

Well, The 100 is very much like that, but the opposite.

The heroes pursue a path to save their people and the world at large, but at the last minute, rather than forward progress, there's a fakeout, and they end up right where they started essentially.

To do this once or twice is an interesting shake-up, but only if the writing can carry itself for this formula to be essentially unnoticeable. If you give enough interesting characters, side- stories, arcs, then no one will notice this driving formula.

This formula was not too easy to spot throughout seasons 1 and 2 because the plot and characters and writing were good enough to engage the viewer, but season 3 has been falling flat lately, though that's old news, I suppose.

I was momentarily riveted with Luna and the boat clan - she truly is an interesting character, but as this season wont to do, the moment I fell in love with Luna and was excited for her to be part of the bigger story, her introduction was cut short and she left, stranding Clarke & co. right back where they started off, with no Commander 2.0 to help fight the war on ALIE.

Luna's strength, her quick reflexes, her compassion and her intelligence all came through, but this episode just had the Sky kids drop onto her rig, cause her to kill a man she loved dearly, go back on her vow not to spill blood after she was brutally tortured, and then, after all that buildup, Luna kicks them out and leaves Clarke with the flame.

I don't blame Luna at all for this choice. In fact, thank god, because wherever Arkers go, death follows.

But this theme in the show of buildup and let down has been grating on my nerves since the beginning of season 3 because it's so glaringly noticeable.

As for the newest romantic pairing, that was pretty out of left field. Not sure if that's going anywhere or just sexy time for sexy time's sake. But nice that Monty had a moment of pleasure before killing his mom for the second time.

Again, Raven...she's one of my favorite characters, but all build-up for her to take ALIE out from the inside and no follow through. Not that I expected any, that would be too easy, of course, but at some point, everything being impossible for every single character and every route to success being a desolate path, makes for an episode, and a show, that keeps taking you higher, only to keep letting you down. It's not worth the investment. Two more episodes and I'm free from this season and this show.

Also, The 100 has a ridiculous amount of Game of Thrones callouts. They need to chill. Their innner fangirl is showing.
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