Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes boys were not above spoofing Hitchcock . . .
27 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . which is what they are up to in this animated short, a cartoon Cliff's Notes version of Hitch's creepy Criss-Cross wife-killing caper, STRANGERS ON A TRAIN. THE HONEY-MOUSERS' musical score alerts us to Warner's intent, as the normal opening notes segue into STRANGERS' eerie carnival theme, which Hitch paired with the cold-blooded garroting of a wife exiting the "Tunnel of Love." Next we see a troubled animated married couple in THE HONEY-MOUSERS, a title which cleverly reminds theater goers that STRANGERS" snuffed-out wife was a mousy honey blonde (just like the endangered cartoon spouse, Alice). Alice's husband keeps saying sweet nothings, such as "One of these days, Alice, one of these days--POW!--Right in the kisser," as he waves his clench fist under the Abused Spouse's nose. To top it off, Alice's brutish Hubbie Ralph also roars, "I ought to BELT you one," as the Looney Tuners evoke STRANGERS' climax, when the mousy shrew of a wife is strangled deader than a Dor Mouse by the belt in question. Criss-Cross, Warners, Criss-Cross!
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