Heart warming look at children with disabilities and one woman's special way of helping them
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Miss You can do it is a heart warming look at children with disabilities and Abby Curan's pageant making these unfortunate girls feel special. At first look it seems like it is going to be a story about Abby and her life over coming her disability and winning the Miss Iowa pageant, but Abby is a small blip in a larger much more focus look on these little girls and the disabilities they suffer. It shows you what they over come everyday to just try and live normal lives. This pageant Abby created really helps them feel that way. You find that each story is different and touching in it own special way and at the end it brought a tear to my eye. I recommend watching this movie, because it really puts life in perspective. I give it a 10/10 because it is simply beautiful documentary and very touching.
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