Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Rebel Set (1992)
Season 5, Episode 19
Great as always
17 June 2016
I guess I prefer Mike over Joel, if only because I grew up watching the Mike episodes on TV. There is still a lot to be said for the Joel era. The best riffs were probably with the "Johnny At The Fair" short. This seemed a lot shorter than most of the shorts. Maybe I'm just used to having two shown at one time. The best out of theater segment was probably the last one. It featured them trying to Kevin Bacon all the actors and actresses in the film series. I don't know any of these names. There's too many of those guys out there! Anyway, the best line with "Johnny At The Fair" was probably, "Johnny distracts the tightrope walkers making them fall to their doom". There's even a great call back as Tom remarks, "All this happened because Johnny got lost at the fair?".

Speaking of Tom, he listed a lot of movie references and I'm glad I was able to at least get most of them. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's heard of Miss Marple. I wasn't even aware Dos Equis was around at this time. It shows you how timeless the series is. It was great to have these guys play off the actors. A well detailed one was "You put a bullet through his head!" followed by "I only hit him!" and finally, "I hit him with a bullet!". Crow does a great impression with "God knows, Davey". Another great one was, "I'm gonna kill that milk to impress Jodie Foster". ***1/2
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