what a fantastic mess this was
29 June 2016
Not recommended for everyone. But if you are interested in the subject, this is a real treat. Completely uncensored and incredibly weird. The camera work fitted perfectly with the story. As others have mentioned, this reminded me of Apocalypse now.

Quite a sad story all in all, a bunch of westerners get lost in the jungle and in their minds. I went holy s***, Jesus and wtf many times throughout this film. I hope all the best for the creator of this movie, at least he seems to be on the right track.

I really do hope that western culture will stay respectful and not go about and contaminate the Bwiti culture by ignorant iboga tourism - read ignorant tourism, considerate tourism is fine. Iboga has a lot to offer to the west, but it has to be treated with utmost respect, these things are beyond anything that any person from the west could ever come close to understanding unless you would go through proper initiation. *end of rant*

Respect other cultures and the plant teachers, peace out. Iboga is not a party drug but ancient sacred medicine, I hope this became clear in this movie.
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