More of Dinesh's pro-Colonialist diatribes
23 July 2016
The main charge here, though slickly presented, is that Obama is an anti-Colonialist. Given that so were America's founding fathers, this is a rather remarkable complaint, one that D'Souza seeks to portray as a vice rather than virtue ... but the film never bothers to point out that its creator is an apologist for Colonialism (he actually thinks it's a good thing), a political shill for the conservative end of the GOP, and an active, long-time opponent of the Democratic Party. This was meant to be a scare tactic using marketing 'spin' masked as 'analysis' to defeat Obama's re-election -- clearly, it failed miserably at that -- and its dire arguments were undermined by they events actually unfolded during Obama's second term. This is at best a highly partisan critique and at worst political propaganda ... but it certainly isn't an objective documentary. To call this a documentary is to insult real documentarians such as Ken Burns and a whole range of honest indie filmmakers.
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