Repulsive content
29 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"10/65: Selbstverstümmelung" is a 5-minute short film by Austrian movie maker Kurt Kren. This one is from 1965, so it had its 50th anniversary last year and it is one of the artist's most famous work, still half a century later. "Artist" is relative in this context though as I see little artistic value in the Kren works I have seen so far. I will admit though that this one here is visually clearer so you have at least roughly an idea what is going on and that can certainly not be said about all of Kren's works. But do you really want to witness the action here? The translation of the film's title is "self mutilation" and this is exactly what you get to see in this black-and-white short movie from start to finish. The contents are indeed very repulsive and not creative at all in my opinion. I give it a thumbs-down.
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