Suicide Squad (2016)
Who the hell approved this piece of crap?
23 August 2016
  • Story line: what story line? - Wasted really good characters. Literally just threw them in this big pile of crap. - Should've just made the movie about the joker and harley quinn. Perhaps a cameo by deadshot instead of this 123min waste of time and money. - Joel Kinnaman... why? seriously, who the hell put this guy in the movie? - clichés. clichés everywhere. - the ending was good. because I finally got to go home, watch netflix and forget about this horrible, horrible thing.

Please, do not watch this movie at the movie theater. Not even at home. Just make a new movie in your head and pretend that this one does not exist. Trust me, whatever you imagine gets an Oscar compared to this thing.

I love movies, and consider myself with a decent amount of knowledge to rate a movie and this, my friends, is a total disappointment.
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