Hatefulness dressed up as concern.
7 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly condescending, misleading and even the core premise is entirely false. The term "be a man" does not refer to not being a woman, as these documentary makers just asserts. This is an entirely constructed dichotomy they've invented in order to justify the pathologicalization of male identity that constitutes this entire film. Being a man is as opposed to being a child. Has nothing to do with femininity. It refers to behaving like an adult, accepting responsibility, not throwing emotional fits, dealing with problems instead of just complaining etc. These filmmakers try to assert the term leads to emotional trauma in boys, because it supposedly disallows femininity. This piece of nonsense put to film even tries to suggest that masculinity is unnatural, while femininity is the gold standard to which boys should strive. They even go so far as suggesting all the worlds ills are due to masculinity, which is both extremely narrow minded and reeks of feminist fanaticism. They correctly identify problems like broken homes and bullying as emotional tolls on boys, but then they pretty much blame the boys for their own emotional suffering. Apparently because they are not dealing with emotional stress the way girls do, which allegedly is the magic solution to everything.

These ideologues evidently subscribe to the scientifically thoroughly debunked idea of gender as a social construct, and thereby the boys woes are due to their blank pages being filled with the wrong programming. There is so much this documentary could have tackled, but instead its a mess of politically charged preaching of feminist rhetoric. Faking a concern for the well being of boys in order to demonize masculine behaviors as a sickness in need of a cure. No words describing positive attributes typically associated with masculinity are ever mentioned, and this narrow focus on negative traits most of which aren't even gendered, shows how this film indeed comes from a place of gender supremacy. This misandric psychobabble spares no sophistry to posit masculinity as an overarching problem. Obviously they flat out ignore the common acceptance of female on male violence, because that would ruin their shallow narrative. Of course they will not tackle violent mothers, despite this being the most common violence children experience at home. Girls favoritism influencing boys behavior is apparently not a thing. Never mind that, as these boys are merely not being human correctly.

This is just another piece of propaganda doing nothing to challenge preconceived notions or explore unknown territory. It only exist to further strengthen the prejudices its obsessive creators deem righteous, no more challenging to the mind then flatulence. If what this film proclaims had any root in reality as opposed to radical feminist mythology and an extreme form of confirmation bias, then a hypothetical society without men would necessarily be a utopia. So unless you are a true believing feminist disciple lacking independent critical thought, you will find this film infuriatingly ignorant in its disingenuous approach to a serious topic. In fewer words this film can be described as hatefulness dressed up as concern. Truly sickening.

P.S.: Other reviewers seem to suffer from the misapprehension that giving this film a bad review somehow proves something about the reviewer. These are mere typical feminist shaming tactics and it is quite remarkable to observe how predictably and mindlessly these are still employed. You should apparently just listen and believe without question, because scrutiny and skepticism are the biggest enemies of dogma. This is an acceptable ideal only if you are a mindless follower. Think about that.
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