An Easy to Follow Educational Documentary
21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie covers mostly basics of how misconstrued women are in media, and seems to reiterate simple facts - I didn't feel like it was repetitive to the point of being tedious. I personally enjoyed the refresher course the movie provided and it gave me some new insight as well.

Although a lot of the information given wasn't surprising (which sadly just emphasizes the point of the movie), the recent extent to which gender plays into media (specifically Hollywood) was a new awareness for me; simply because most of us do not go through life scrutinizing every aspect of media and analyzing its gender biases. The movie does a great job of reflecting on past media presentations to prove its points. I appreciate the statistics given because statistics have a general scientific drive behind them that humans innately trust and can certainly create a larger emotional affect for the audience; however, I felt like a little background on how these statistics were gathered (from where?) would have been helpful for credibility. On the other hand, bringing in producers, actresses, hosts, and many other influential people and having them speak about personal experiences where they have experienced gender bias was very powerful and helpful.

I feel as though this would be a great documentary movie to show younger audiences (or even older audiences for a refresher or a starting point of discussion!) because it gives a good overview of the problems that media creates in terms of gender related expectations. The movie created a sense of urgency and motivation needed for both men and women to take action and take a stance, even in small every day scenarios. While gender inequality is a great big problem in many, many societal aspects that is hard to tackle, this documentary briefly mentions the more specific issues/topics that are related for possible further discussion (ie. jobs, leadership, eating disorders, bullying, depression, sexual objectification, rape, validation, etc).
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