The bad side of religion
29 September 2016
I really do enjoy this movie despite the fact that the first 30 minutes are nothing more than expository situation settings that establish our main character and the idiotic and repetitive motions of cult fanatics. Watching people sing, chant and behave like fools with reckless abandon gets tedious. But the film really tries hard to make its point abundantly clear. However, the acting is terrific and the plot is involving. I was just an adolescent when the cult phenomena was taking place with groups like the Hare Krishnas, Moonies, EST, and other offshoots of such fanatical dogma. I believe this was a result of the rebellious 1960's and the emergence of the Human development movement. This Canadian film makes its stance completely unbiased. It makes a scathing crack against such movements that use inhumane tactics of recruitment like brainwashing, starvation, sleep deprivation and totalitarian control. I am glad these organizations were brought to the public and have been given the criticism they deserve. They are dangerous and larcenous and should be treated with sharp caution.

It's pretty creepy to know that normally intelligent, responsible and upright citizens can succumb to such pressurizing practices. But they have.
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