I Don't Watch TV (2016– )
I Didn't Enjoy Satires Until.. IDWTV :)
19 October 2016
The entire team of IDWTV dared to do something new (for Indian TV at least). Satires aren't easy to pull off in a manner that gets people's appreciation, and doing something like this for the first time is the zenith of all challenges.

The irony, wit, wise cracks, and tongue in cheek humor was quite tasteful. Never got bored or "skipped" parts at all. The fact that prominent TV actors were involved made it more enjoyable! Even though it was coherent, every episode offered something new to the viewer.

The best part was the concept of portraying the stereotypes associated with Indian TV in a very cheeky and hilarious manner! Refreshing to see that TV actors too can make fun of themselves freely ;-)

From the technicality of making such a web series, writing a good yet novel script, to the actual outcome, IDWTV was in no way boring or offensive. To the contrary, it actually resonates with any and every avid Indian TV serial viewer ;-)

Can't wait for season 2 !
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