The music disappoints, but Pike and the choreography mesmerise and the atmosphere unsettles and disturbs
27 October 2016
Having really liked Rosamund Pike in many films and having been blown away by her performance in 'Gone Girl', 'Massive Attack: Voodoo in My Blood' was recommended to me and it was a good opportunity to see some post-'Gone Girl' work.

'Massive Attack: Voodoo in My Blood' was mostly very effective, and much more than just a music video, especially when the other components make much more of an impression than the music itself. The music actually was the only let-down, but unfortunately big enough to bring things down a couple of notches. It's okay music on its own, if a bit too repetitive and too much of one mood (which is pretty dreary), but it just feels at odds with what's going on in the video, mood-wise and in rhythm.

Pike however is just fantastic, echoing fond reminders somewhat of what made her performance in 'Gone Girl' so good, except that here she's in a 5 minute music video and a different sort of role. Love how she started off walking with utmost confidence and "I'm in command", then becoming more vulnerable and wary as she walks further down the tunnel, thus being an easier target for being controlled. The revelation though was once the controlling orb was introduced and she became possessed and almost like a different person. It's also a very physical role, with Pike having to do some mind-bending gestures, expressions and movements, which must have hurt but Pike made it look easy and it was incredible and unsettling to see. And that laugh? Creepy!

Her and the choreography are what make 'Massive Attack: Voodoo in My Blood' as atmospheric as it is. The choreography is incredibly physical and kinetic, and not only quite virtuosic but makes the hairs stand up on the back of the neck from how disturbing it is. Pike and the orb move together so well aligned and convincingly that you are never in doubt that she is being controlled by it. The visuals are also great, the way it's shot is moody, stylish and very like a dark, brooding mystery-thriller. The main set, almost like a pinball game, also adds to the atmosphere.

All in all, let down by the music but Pike, the choreography and the atmosphere are truly top-notch. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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