Extremely unlikeable main character
19 November 2016
The fourth film directed by Don Bluth and considered by many to be the last of his "good ones". Personally I think the winning streak ends with Land Before Time.

So, there's this German Shepherd named Charlie, who's all-around scum. The dirt of the Earth. He treats ladies like crap, cons people out of their money, abuses the trust of his friends, probably kicks small puppies, the whole nine yards. We watch him break out of the joint with his pal Itchy – and isn't that a name to instantly win you over – and attempt to rejoin his partner in crime, Carface, who just happens to have decided that he's better off without him. I don't blame him. Charlie gets fed to the fishes and ends up in Heaven. Because all dogs go to heaven. Which seems extremely unfair to me. Because Charlie sure does not deserve such a right.

Long story short, Charlie figures out a way to return back to life, and proceeds to attempt bloody revenge on good old Carface. In the process we meet a poor orphaned girl named Anne-Marie, who promptly gets abused and used by our charming main character. And I know what you're thinking! Surely this is a story about Charlie learning the error of his way, mending all bridges and earning back his place in Heaven. And yeah, it's a film for children. Of course it has a happy ending. But it's so half-arsed, incompetent and tacked on that I'm not even sure it qualifies. Charlie is scum. Plain and simple. And I'm honestly a little insulted that I'm expected to root for him.

That being said, it is nicely animated. The voice acting is quality. The music works, although the song numbers don't exactly set the world on fire. And I've heard that most people actually find Charlie's eventual redemption charming and uplifting. Personally I have a hard time seeing exactly how, but reportedly it does happen more often than not.

So yeah, if Don Bluth is your thing, definitely give it a shot. Just don't expect miracles.
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