A good film but too hollywoodian
11 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched again the Diary of Anne frank with Millie perkins recently,and i watched this film once when i was a teen and found it good but many years later i don't have the same feeling.The general cast is brilliant and the beginning of the movie is gripping when Otto frank is given his daughter's diary and discovers that time has flown since the first day in the Annex. However there are many inaccuracies. The van Daans for instance never arrived the same day than the Frank and entered the hiding a week after.Plus Anne received her diary the day of her birthday and not in July and Anne is a bit old or Millie perkins who looked like a model whereas real Anne was pretty but she wasn't what we could call a beauty.She was thin even skinny and not obsessed by her appearance like Millie perkins seems to be in the film.Margot is rather well portrayed on the contrary and is quiet and so does Otto but Peter isn't the same than in the diary ,he is a good confident and listener but he never flirted with Anne like we can see but the most disappointing characters are the Van daans.They are total caricature.Despite these flaws this film is quite enjoyable and sometimes disturbing with the scene of the thief and the bombs..The arrest as for it never happened like in the film.The helpers or Miep and Bep and Kruler were in the office on the 4th August and they were forced to speak and tell the Nazi where the refugees were and there were no insistent calls and Anne stopped writing in her diary on the 1 th of August because the arrest was completely unexpected.So the ending in the annex is sugar coated and hollywoodian.This is a beautiful love scene but it isn't real. I give 6 out of 10 to this film.It could have been better ,less romanticized but more detailed.
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