Brother Bear 2 (2006 Video)
Disappointing Sequel
20 December 2016
Brother Bear 2 (2006)

** (out of 4)

Kenai and Koda are happily living as bears but soon Kenai has a dream about a girl he knew back when he was human. Soon afterwards that girl, Nita, comes to him. She is about to be married but the spirits warn her about a bad curse if she doesn't take the amulet Kenai gave her to the place he gave it to her and burn it.

BROTHER BEAR came out of nowhere and really shocked me. The film has no reputation and it never gets brought up when people discuss good Disney movies and that's a really shame because the film was very good and deserves a better reputation. I wasn't sure what to expect from this direct-to-video release because these types of films from Disney are a real mixed bag. Sadly, this one here doesn't come anywhere close to matching the original's charm or heart and in the end this just seems like a money grab.

There really wasn't too much that I liked about this film. It's certainly not an awful movie but at the same time everything just seems like a watered down version of the original. The biggest problem is that the story itself just doesn't have too much going for it. I really wish there had been more of an adventure as the two bears and this woman went to the location they were trying to reach. There really wasn't any excitement or drama to be had. I'd even argue that the vocal performances weren't as strong as they needed to be.

BROTHER BEAR 2 thankfully didn't run too long but people should just stick with the original.
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