In this one, Andy's a giggolo!
22 December 2016
While many folks might really love this installment of the Andy Hardy franchise because you get to see Lana Turner AND Judy Garland, no matter how you look at it Andy is a jerk. Andy is broke and needs money...a theme in nearly all the Andy Hardy films. So, to get money for his car, he agrees to take Cynthia (Turner) out and show her a good time. Now why would anyone want to pay Andy to do that? Well, her boyfriend is going out of town and wants to be sure Cynthia never gets serious with any other boys...so he pays Andy to date her...technically making Andy a giggolo! As for his steady girlfriend, Polly (Ann Rutherford), she's also out of town and so she apparently won't be the wiser. To complicate things, a new neighbor, Betsy (Garland) just moved in and she is infatuated with Andy...though she's obviously too nice for him. What's to come of all this?

The notion that three women would fight over that pipsqueak Andy is a bit hard to imagine. And, as for Andy, he treats all of the young ladies abominably and it's really hard to pull for him in this film. Because of this, although it has an amazing cast, it's also not one of the better films of the series. Plus, with Judy in this one, they were obliged to throw in three songs--three not very good songs. As a result, it messed up the formula which worked so well in the rest of the Hardy films. Had this been "Babes on Broadway" or a similar Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland film, it would have made a lot more sense. Worth seeing but weak.

By the way, Mary Blake (Grandmama from "The Addams Family" TV show) makes her first of two appearances in the series.
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