Second Chance (1953)
It Works Better in 3-D
29 December 2016
I was reading the reviews on here and generally agree with them regarding the story and acting, but it seems no one has seen this in 3-D. I did a few years ago, the only 3-D movie from the 50s that I've seen as intended. The 3-D makes all the difference. The plot is still nothing special, but from the RKO logo in 3-D with the letters popping out at you to the cable car scene at the end, it is at least visually memorable in 3-D. The scenery in Mexico is especially nice with the depth, and of course the cable car scene is another matter with the 3-D effects. This is well worth seeing if you ever get the chance to see it in 3-D, even with the annoying glasses. There was an intermission when I saw it to give your eyes a rest.
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