90 minutes of splendor, followed by 5 minutes of complete trash (spoilers, obviously)
21 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this a 2, because it was a great movie to start out with! Sure, it was slow, and the director was gratuitous with the nudity and with the side story of the main character's swimming aspirations. However, I feel completely cheated.

First off, neither of the gay men get a decent ending. What really grinds my gears, however, is that the one who gives up his gay lifestyle and goes back to his girlfriend gets to live, while the one who proudly tells his parents he won't change ends up dead. By the hands of a homophobe who gets the crap beat out of him earlier- on by his own boyfriend. So sure, the one gets to live, but now he's caused his ex-boyfriend to be heartbroken, by breaking up with him and not telling him why exactly, but he inadvertently causes his death. The only person who gets what they want in this film is the non-flushed- out character of the mother, who tells her son he needs to break up with his boyfriend and go back to the girlfriend.

Basically, what I've learned from this film is that I should never visit Poland. I might fall in love with someone, just for him to break up with me, and then I get murdered by people he beat up.

I honestly thought this movie was going to be great when I was about halfway through it. However, that ending ruined the entire film for me, and not just because I'm tired of the dead-gay-trope. I'm mad about the way the director went about doing it. It wasn't stylish. There was no mourning the dead gay character. It was tasteless and I'll never watch anything by this director again.
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