Review of Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
26 January 2017
Mel Gibson is in my eyes a very talented director and this movie is a great example for my opinion. I liked this movie a lot and it surprised me in many ways.

I actually liked this movie so much, that i can consider talking about it in the same sentence as i would talk about Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now. It may not be in the same level as those movies are, but it's in there. You cannot close Hacksaw Ridge out of the conversation when you talk about the best war movies of all time.

Apocalypse Now is in my eyes the best war movie ever and probably will always be. Full Metal Jacket in the other hand has a lot of other things that make it incredible. Hacksaw Ridge has a little bit of both that those incredible movies have.

Vince Vaughn surprised me in this movie. Since he did not suck as bad as i first thought he would. He sure is not R.Lee Ermey and he never will be. To be quite honest, no on will. Ever. But he did okay in this one and i have nothing bad to say about him.

So let's talk about the war scenes. I have heard a lot of criticism about them, but i found them actually very well done. I liked them a lot. I liked them so much, that only because of them i could say that this was the best movie of year and deserves an Oscar. Sure it's not only about them, but they were a real highlight in the movie with the incredible score.

Great story. I had no idea that it was based on a true story and that only blows me away. Amazing. Mel Gibson made a wonderful film and i sure hope that it will be a success at the circus called academy awards. This movie deserves the best picture.
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