12 February 2017
Not only is this film disgusting, offensive and vulgar, but it's also just plain dumb. I mean c'mon, isn't a naked nerd getting called a pedophile and chased by an equally pedophilic clown just a little bit juvenile? I don't mean to sound like a prude or a snob, but penis jokes and sex jokes stopped being funny when I was in the ninth grade. Mental hospitals and lazy stereotypes of the many patients within one just aren't funny to me. Neither is a man having a sexual fetish for paralyzed and disabled people. Have I missed something here? The one and only scene I really enjoyed in this film was the one where a psychologist and a patient have an air hockey match and the orderlies are placing bets. Julian Richings is an excellent actor, I don't know why on earth he'd sign up to be in a film like this one. With its Troma style, its lame jokes and its cheap digital footage that looks like Toronto stock footage shots, 'You Might As Well Live' is I think one of the worst things I've seen in quite some time.
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