Review of Moana

Moana (I) (2016)
Take aways from Moana
22 February 2017
1. Another Disney princess story? Seems like they care less about originality and more on selling merchandise. 2. On the other hand, Disney's first Polynesian princess. 3. Coconut pirates? Really?? 4. That ocean is way too blue. 5. For a PG rated film, the dialogue was at a preschool level. 6. The coconut crab's song was more of an insult than a tribute to the late David Bowie. 7. The climax scene was dramatically appealing and amazing. 8. The Oscars totally blew it by nominating the song "How Far I'll Go" instead of "We Know the Way." Someone must have mislabeled that mixtape. 9. Retitle this movie to "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" and this would have been totally awesome!
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