Review of Sully

Sully (2016)
Not bad, but shamefully not mentioning the quality of the plane
7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot got credits for the amazing decision and landing. The rescue crews got credited for their great work at saving the passengers. But it's shameful that the airplane itself was never mentioned in the positive light.

I mean, how many airplanes have survived landing on water in one piece? If the plane was any weaker it would break in two or three pieces upon impact, and no rescue crews would be there in time. It would sink like a stone.

But this particular airplane (Airbus A320) survived abnormal deceleration when it hit the water and got submerged for a moment, losing the speed quickly under the enormous water resistance. It didn't break like many other planes that landed on water. Instead it stayed afloat long enough for all the passengers to be saved. In fact, it didn't sink even hours after the accident.

There are numerous cases of airplanes breaking up after landing on water because they weren't structurally strong enough. This was a good plane. Give it some credits.
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