It takes a desperado to catch a desperado
29 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A fairly interesting horse opera about the reestablishment of the Teas Rangers, following the withdrawal of Union troops in 1874, and their assignment to break up an all-star gang of desperados. Major John B. Jones, who heads the rangers, is based on a real person of the same name, who is credited with capturing outlaw Sam Bass, the name of a real outlaw, as is John Westley Hardin, Duke(King, actually) Fisher, Dave Rudabaugh, Butch Cassidy, and the Sundance Kid. In contrast, bank robbers Buffy Smith(Noah Beery, Jr.) and Johnny Carver(George Montgomery)are purely fictitious names. They are the two who are immediately captured after the daytime robbery of a Waco bank. They were beaned or shot by their accomplice, The Sundance Kid, who escaped by horse, after also accidentally killing the publisher of the local newspaper: the father of Helen(Gale Storm): the editor. Carver and Smith are offered freedom if they will join the rangers as scouts, primarily, since they know the hideouts of most outlaws in the area. They accept this challenge, and their story is(amazingly)published in the newspaper by the editor, who thinks they will be up to no good.

Bass's gang are intent on stealing $50,000. in bills just received by the bank. However, Carver escapes out the back door with the $50,000. while the gang is knocking the front door down(amazingly in daylight!) He figures it's safer in his hiding place than in the bank vault, although initially no one else thinks so.

Carver pretends to abandon the rangers to join Bass's gang, acting as an undercover agent. The gang plays along with him, but don't trust him, especially from his reaction to their shooting of his buddy Buffy Smith, who didn't desert. Carver tells them that a train shipment of $1,000,000. in gold is due in, but he won't tell them which train, until it's time to make the heist. Bass changes the heist plans at the last minute, in case Carver told the rangers about it(he did). The climax consists of the takeover of the train on a slow section of track, and decoupling the car with the Pinkerton agents in it. Carver fights with his accomplice over control of the locomotive, which goes past the point where the gang is supposed to swoop down on the train. The gang rides after the train, as it approaches the station where the rangers are gathered.

The few light moments are mostly supplied by Helen's small nephews and by one meeting of Carver with Helen, in which he keeps shoving her back in her chair, then slaps her, then grabs and kisses her, all to impress his gang buddies, who are watching through the window. The expected romance between Carver and Helen doesn't show until the last minute.
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