Huh? What Did They Just Say?
2 April 2017
First, the good.

The cinematography is very good. It's the pyramids so they have a lot of interesting beauty to film and they don't mess it up. I know it's hard to make the pyramids look like crap. At least this "documentary" got that part right.

For that I give it 1 star for a total of two.

Now the bad. Everything else in these 5 episodes.

A few minutes in I heard some of the on-screen "experts" say that the idea that the pyramids were built as tombs is all wrong and there is no evidence anyone was buried in them since none of them are occupied by a mummy.

Even I learned in the 7th grade the tombs were raided not all that long after they were completed. That's why some were built with elaborate pathways meant to thwart grave robbers. Do these experts really expect people to respect those buried in them and not go after the treasures in them.

Then they started talking about fields of harmonic resonance meant to replicate human skulls or something. Along with using the Orion constellation to guide them.

Now there is a lot we do not know about the pyramids. But I decided after the first episode that any answers were not going to come out of this doc.

Beware - If watching this you find yourself thinking "these people are so smart to have figured all this out" be very concerned. Because it's one of the signs that reality is slipping away from you and your best days are behind you. It scares me that people put their money into this project instead of building a bonfire for the homeless on a cold January night. At least some good could have come out of their waste of cash.

I'll say this for the series. Never has there been a collection of "educated experts" that have so many wild theories without a scintilla of evidences to back them up. Google these experts and start to laugh at their theories like our Sun has a companion star carrying us through great stellar cycles or something. Why isn't the Hubble telescope looking for this companion star instead of looking at things like supernovaes or the first stars in our universe. The harmonic resonance expert has been a guest on Coast to Coast A.M. As someone that worked a lot of overnights listening to this show I have to laugh at anyone taking her seriously.
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