Review of An Old Box

An Old Box (1975)
Schroedinger's Box
10 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Much has been made of Schroedinger's Cat: there is a cat inside a box, which has an equal chance of being alive or dead. How do you tell which it is? To mere mortals, this all seems ridiculous. Open the box and find out. Some people think this is a great paradox and illustrates Heisenbergian uncertainty. Schroedinger himself thought this illustrated a fundamental flaw in quantum physics.

Suppose, however, we shift the focus from the cat to the box. Imagine, if you will, the box. Paint a star on it and drop a coin into it. If you climb into it, you enter a universe in which you are warm and happy, while the rubbish men come and take the empty, useless box away. Is that not more wonderful than any cat could be?
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