Review of Pop Up Video

Pop Up Video (1996–2002)
I loved reliving "Pop Up Video" when watching many segments from it on YouTube recently!
23 April 2017
I remember discovering this program on VH1 about 1997 when I channel surfed and stumbled on a music video with many of the pertinent info "popping up" on screen. That got me hooked to the effect of watching many of these late at night when other people in a house I lived in at the time were asleep with only another one a few years younger than me also watching. Many of those "pop-up bubbles" either related to the video, whoever were the artists being showcased in it, or other things related to the subject matter in them. Many of them had funny lines. I recently rediscovered many of the videos that were shown on the program on YouTube. So thanks to that site for bringing back many fond memories of watching "Pop Up Video"!
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