The Incredible Hulk: A Rock and a Hard Place (1980)
Season 3, Episode 19
Criminal Mastermind
2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This one is really bizarre, a mixture of drama and spy thriller that comes out a lot more campy than it was clearly intended to. It's startling that this came from the pen of the series's story editor Andrew Schneider, who also wrote "Homecoming", one of the Hulk's most down-to-earth and believable episodes.

David is hired as a handyman for an elderly woman named Lucy Cash, but as it turns out she's actually a criminal mastermind who's using him to make deliveries in lead up to a big heist. David gets nailed by the feds, who coerce him to act as their inside man (or else they'll release his picture and recent pseudonyms to the press). Things get even more uncomfortable for David (as suggested by the title) when Lucy and her nephew find out both that he's working with the feds and that he's the Hulk, and try to get him to act as *their* spy.

Meanwhile, we learn that the lead fed, an elderly gentleman, is pursuing this case out of a romantic fixation with Lucy. This is supposed to charming and cute, but frankly it's just disgustingly creepy. Lucy is also supposed to be sympathetic by the end, but both she and the feds pile on so many lies in an effort to get David on their side that after a while you automatically assume that anything they say is a lie. That not only makes it hard to sympathize with these characters, it makes you feel like you're not in on the storyline.

In the end, the Hulk saves the day with some campy hero/damsel-in- distress imagery which is just cringe-inducing, especially in context. This episode has its fun moments, but its attempts at human interest miss the mark by a good 200 miles.
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