Tall Men (2016)
Sustained hypnotic weirdness
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
TALL MEN is strange and atmospheric from start to finish. It is extremely well produced and show-cases just what can be done on a tight budget.

You don't notice the budgetary constraints as the film tightly focuses on what a strange and timid creature Terence is. His disturbing mannerisms fixate us as we anxiously anticipate the next unusual visual and wonder if Terence's problems are real or all in his head. The constant background tones are very unnerving and supposedly this is an irritant schizophrenics must deal with every day.

They certainly could have ended the film without the last 5 minutes but people seem to demand some sort of closure. Either that or the writer despises people who don't pay their debts and was determined to hammer this hate home. If so, the punishments don't fit the 'crime'.

TALL MEN isn't for everyone. Especially not a horror traditionalist. I thought it was worth more than 5 stars though.
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