Tall Men (2016)
Long, painful, and nothing happens
10 May 2017
What a waste of time. I watch B movies, even C movies but this should get a "Z" for zero. The main actor is very good but the movie lacks content, action, dialogue, it's like watching one of those teen log on Facebook or YouTube. Someone THOUGHT this would be interesting, it is a sleeper. I had to convince myself to stay awake that something should happen, but nope, nothing much.

If you like to watch teens do nothing and have no life, this is a movie for you, otherwise stay away, you will want to destroy your TV!

Once again the main actor is great, if he is not mentally challenged then he is a very good actor.

Some people might "get" this movie, well I did NOT! I got the twist but I mean I don't get the waste of time and money to create such a flick that could have been a short on any channel.
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