Twin Peaks (2017)
"I am the hand and I sound like..."
24 May 2017

It's unlike anything you can see these days on the telly. But not in a good way. It's one thing to do an old-fashioned show, or homage maybe - it's quite another to do something completely anti-modern. Each scene takes years to unfold and it's by design. The long, still shots of nothing really happening, the actors standing awkwardly and staring blankly into the distance, the inane dialogue where every word is uttered like it has some utmost hidden significance... It's not how I remember "Twin Peaks". There used to be humour and suspense in there, too. And liveliness.

I can imagine two kinds of people being attracted to this. The first is the nostalgic souls that will tune in to look for the hallmarks of the series they used to love. They'll be disappointed. The majority of old cast is here but they don't seem to serve any narrative purpose, not that there's any narrative to be served. The inconsequential nature of their dialogue and the stilted acting didn't help bring them back to life and their gratuitous presence is more distracting than anything else, especially since some new, and more crucial characters are introduced. The trade-mark brownish set design is also here, but its ubiquitousness is quite uneasy on the eyes this time around. The new plot is only loosely connected to the original series: nothing you see here will answer any of the questions you may have had 27 years ago. Would you even care if it did?

The second kind is, of course, the hipsters. Particularly the fans of David Lynch. The smug, masochistic bunch who think adoring the self-important experimentalist, that is the writer and director of this glut, gives them a pass to some kind of intellectual heaven. I don't know how many of them are there left, though, it's the 21st century after all. Nevertheless, they're likely to relish the idiotic lines of dialogue and cheesy special effects in which they'll inevitably find some "clues" they're supposed to pick up on and collect towards the series' finale, where there will undoubtedly be some big cathartic resolution of a grand paranormal riddle that is the plot of this series. Seeing that the original series didn't end with a resolution but with a cliffhanger, I don't see any reason things should be any different here. Resolving things is not in the interest of charlatans like Lynch. There's no sense of mystery and profundity in it. Nor money. Sense of mystery and profundity often equals money. Religions know that.

Anyway, all in - fair warned, you could have already seen where this was going with the abysmal "Fire Walk With Me" feature film. Better off popping the old episodes into the VCR and forget this "third" season ever happened. If you're a hipster, though, do continue to watch. I like it when hipsters get disappointed. A disappointed hipster a day keeps the doctor away.
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