Inside Out (I) (2015)
A brilliant depiction of adolescence
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As an adult, I love animated films but the trailers made this one look like it was really just for kids. I gave it a shot anyway and I didn't expect to love it--but it's depth absolutely shocked me. Not only is it a whimsical, funny film, but the poetry is off the charts.

The creators of this film truly remember what it was like to be a child and continue to express understanding to children's feelings today. Riley is a light hearted little girl on the cusp of adolescence, approaching that turbulent age where everything changes and it seems like there is no one there to help you.

Riley's emotions are portrayed using colorful creatures inside her head. Joy has been the ringleader of the emotions up until now, but Riley's life changes are starting to shake things up and Sadness has begun to take over. Truly amazing how this was depicted! Absolutely brilliant.

As a kid, adults are often dismissing your emotions and never listening to you when you need them most. Often times kids cannot express themselves and turn to anger, panic or disgust, all emotions that will only heighten your problems as Riley comes to learn.

When Joy finally lets Sadness take the reins and Riley opens up to her parents and they actually LISTEN to is breathtaking.

Don't miss out on this movie, definitely a must see! Amazing voice cast, beautiful visuals and a wonderful message to people of all ages.
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