Louder Than Bombs, Blows.
5 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
No likable characters, or at least, all the male characters - Jonah, Gene and Conrad, which were the leads really, are really not all that personable.

The characters are somewhat irritating, and their inability to communicate with each other extends all the way past the fourth wall, to the viewer.

It's very difficult to feel empathy for an adulterer, a disrespectful weirdo and a spineless man. Sympathy maybe, but, empathy was just too arduous.

And sure, Louder Than Bombs was attempting a portrayal of raw and actual real life experience in front of a camera... But sadly, real life can be quite boring to watch.

I do however like that Jonah gave Conrad the advice he gave him about his (Conrad) love interest, that Conrad narrated that his love interest would forget about him the next day after their early morning walk and that Gene and Hannah's relationship ended the way it did, because all of that, like it or not, is usually how life turns out for the average man, and Louder Than Bombs didn't uncharacteristically abandon that sad truth.

But, this film was a bit taxing, though, it had all the best intentions. 5/10.
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