The Outer Limits: The Invisible Enemy (1964)
Season 2, Episode 7
I wanted to like this
18 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The story starts out good. A 2 man team of astronauts lands on Mars, one screams while exploring the landscape and his buddy who goes to help him is never heard from again. Nothing is given away, and I was interested in what killed them. Fast forward 3 years later, when a 4 man team is sent to figure out happened. They are given strict orders to follow protocol, and even go over the orders yet again for the benefit of the audience. Luckily, the atmosphere back then must have been unknown, because they do not need suits to walk around. I have no problem with that, and can look past it. They send a man out to explore. But this is where the episode begins to lose me. One of the very strict orders is to never get out of visual contact. One of the first things the astronaut does is get out of visual contact. Now granted, it was just for a minute, and he wanted some buried debris. But of course he screams and is killed by something in the ground. But because they could not see him, the members on the ship have no idea what it was.

Now up to this point, all 3 men who went out of their ships have died. You think there would be a heightened sense of danger. No, of course not. Why worry? So they send 2 men out, and they are supposed to not go out of visual contact. There is something killing people loose on the planet. So what does one of them do? Goes behind a rock outside of visual contact! "Hey there is a pretty rock!" And a flower! I'll just go behind this rock where no can see me and ignore my commander. It gets the other guy killed of course, but they still don't know by what. The two remaining men are informed they have an hour before the ship will have to head home. Even though it's not flying, it's about to be out of fuel? They sent it all that way so it could be on the planet for 3 hours?

But then one of them figures it out. It's a creature in the ground. But they only have an hour left, so the commander has decided to take a

nap? Really? Hey, you only have an hour before you will be on a long voyage back to Earth, so make sure you nap so you won't be asleep on the way home. Half your crew is missing, and I guess they have zero prep to do, so napping makes sense. And in 5 seconds, he is in a dead sleep. He can't be woken up. So the other guy decides to go out alone on a planet that has killed 4 out of 5 guys that have stepped foot on it. And why? To get what may be a diamond. Magically? Adam West wakes up on his own after being in such a deep sleep, and heads out against orders. They all seem to ignore all orders and common sense. He runs right into the sand , even as his friend is saying "don't run in the sand!". And he falls and instead of getting up and running, decides to crawl. Yeah that's quicker. Adam does make it to a rock and is stuck there. There are only 26 minutes till the ship must blast off. So instead of telling him "dude, that ship is taking off in 26 minutes with or without you. You will be dead either way if you stay on that rock", they just tell the other guy to leave. Don't give him a chance to make it back, just leave. I mean, if he is gonna die either way, at least give him a chance to make it back to the ship. Anyway, we get the ending which is OK, and the show is over. I believe this crew was the great great great grand fathers of the crew from Prometheus. That would explain a lot. The show had a cool premise, and I was really wondering what the invisible enemy was. But this episode falls into a trap so many SciFi shows do and advances the plot through stupidity of characters. It's lazy writing to make the character do something everyone else is screaming "no don't do that!", because they can't figure out other ways to make the story advance. We don't feel sorry for the character, we get angry at them. I wanted a story that doesn't defy logic. I am not gonna pick flowers while something is going around murdering my crew. There was so much of that going on, it took away from the enjoyment of the show. By the end, you didn't care what happened to them, in fact, you may have been rooting for them to die because they were so irritating. Which is a shame, because they had potential here. I did like seeing a young Adam West, but that was about it. If you are a fan of the OL, then give it a shot maybe, but expect to be frustrated at what could have been.
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