This little light of you, . . .
2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . me, and the other millions of our Silent American Majority comprising We Normal Average Loyal Patriotic True Blue Progressive 99 Per Center Union Label Right-Thinking Non-Demonic Citizens of the USA proves indistinguishable for a befuddled Elmer Fudd, used by Warner Bros.' always prophetic Animated Shorts Seers unit (aka, the Looney Tuners) to represent Red Commie KGB U.S. Strongman Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin, and\or his Puppet, Rump. Try as he might, Fudd\Putin\Rump simply cannot extinguish the Flame of Freedom during the course of GOOD NIGHT, ELMER. In one of Warner's more positive spins on possible outcomes for We Americans of (The Then) Far Future, the Light of Freedom simply slips through the cracks that this brief cartoon suggests are inherent in the Façade of Fascism. Putin\Rump have threatened to soon begin killing Gays, Immigrants, Journalists, Scientists, Entertainers, Writers, Doers, Thinkers, Judges, Women, Poor People, Athletes, Ordinary Americans, Teacher's Pets, Good Samaritans, Doubting Thomases, Saints, Skittles Users, Neighborhood Watchers, War Heroes, and others on their Long Enemies List. GOOD NIGHT, ELMER suggests that Justice will Prevail in the End (even when the Demons snap our candles in two!).
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