Its obvious no one here watched until the end.......
13 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's very obvious no one here watched until the end because EVERYONE who reviewed this film left out one very important detail on this dudes credibility.....at the very end of the film, text pop up that says that in 2014 Stan was charged with possessing and distributing child pornography of children as young as 5 years old. He claims the FBI planted this evidence to shut him up. When I saw this I was disgusted and any LITTLE, teeny, bit of belief I had in SOME of what he said (there were parts where there were police reports and also the injuries which he had medical records of would shock me if they were self-inflicted) all went out the window.

This dude is sick, TONS of child porn were found all over a bunch of USB sticks so its not like it was just on the computer. If FBI was going to "plant evidence" to frame him, they wouldn't bother downloading child porn all over a bunch of random USB sticks and stash them all over the house when you wouldn't need to do all that to convict someone of child porn. Just it being on the comp is enough. This dude is so effing sick in the head and when I read that these poor babies were as young as 5, I wanted to reach through my computer screen and strangle him. He is a fraud, even if he is telling the truth about SOME stuff, it doesn't matter, he is a disgusting human being. The only reason I am giving it a 4 is because the actual documentary is well made, I loved the format of it.
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