Review of Sugarwood

Ozark: Sugarwood (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
An auspicious opener
29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have only seen this episode, the first, so far. Which is good, because I have no foreknowledge of what's to happen, or even why it will.

This is Bateman's show. He has been a solid performer in comedic vehicles, and his Everyman persona always wears well. Someone once said Bob Newhart always looks like he's getting overwhelmed and buried by the antics around him, but in fact he is in charge - we focus on him as the center of everything. Bateman has an analogous strength. He is adept at being the only one who hasn't lost his head. And it shows in Ozark, which is pretty far from a comedy. Bateman, whose character gets into as tight a squeeze as one can and keep breathing (so far, anyway), still has a core to his character that is remarkable. His mind is always working, planning, plotting survival. It will be an adventure to see how he gets through this.

Laura Linney is, as always, a delight. (Has she ever been less than outstanding?) Her presence brings a credibility to the proceedings, as does that of Esai Morales, who gets to work his chops in a malign, nuanced portrayal of the villain.

This should be fun.
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