Spin City: The Perfect Dorm (2001)
Season 5, Episode 11
So much unused in this show.
31 July 2017
The show begin with high hopes as the Mayor gets a parking ticket for parking in a handicapped spot. Of course, this is going to send out alarm bells to the public if the something is not done. So the Mayor proclaims that he is going to build a handicap ramp at City Hall.

There was a lot of potential for comedy with this scenario but for some reason the writers failed to capitalize on the condition. In fact, the script even became dull as little was spent on this humorous situation.

Another situation was Paul moving into a dorm. While at the dorm, Paul is not treated very well and Carter and Stuart begin to feel sorry for him. There were a few funny moments but they were few and far between.

There was so much potential with this episode but little thought was used in writing the script. Not one of the better shows.
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