Not Quite As Good As the First
3 August 2017
In Search of Ancient Mysteries (1973)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

The second documentary film before Leonard Nimoy took over the "In Search Of..." series. This one here features narration by Rod Serling as he talks about various things on Earth that might mean that the early man were more intelligent than we thought. It also leads to the theory that perhaps alien lifeforms were also here.

Stuff like cave drawings, various land forms and carvings in various stones are just some of the topics discussed as the film asks whether aliens were once here. I must admit that I found this second film a lot less interesting than the first. On a technical level it was well- made for the time but I must say that I found it to be somewhat boring. The information given is pretty good and there are some interesting ideas brought up but on the whole this wasn't nearly as good as the first film or many of the episodes that would follow.
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