Bad comedy with some decent fight scenes
21 August 2017
In Dragons Forever, Jackie Chan plays a rather scuzzy lawyer who teams up with two friends to help mobsters destroy some lady's pond. No, he doesn't know they are mobsters, but he also doesn't care, and overall I found Jackie's character less likable than usual.

The story is mildly amusing at first, but it gets progressively more tedious. By the halfway point, at which the romance elements came to the fore, I found it pretty intolerable and starting skipping forward to get to the action.

Of course, the action is always the main reason to watch Jackie, and there's some good stuff here, most notably when he and his friends all fight one another simultaneously.

But while there are some of Jackie's usual slapstick stunts and prop comedy, there is less than in my favorite Chan films. The final scene is a long, pretty straightforward martial arts fight that is fine for that but isn't the sort of Keaton-esque action I watch Jackie for.

Very dumb, not very funny, some decent action but even there disappointing for a Chan film.
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